Styled Blocks is a mod designed for builders, it adds all the variants of slabs and stairs of those materials that lack such variants, as is the case of glass and various types of stone, between other materials.
New File | styledblocks-mc1.12-4.0.0.jar |
Release Type | Release |
Manager | The_Wabbit |
Created | Jan 26, 2017 |
Update | Mar 27, 2018 |
Support | 1.12.2 |
Although not only adds this, new construction blocks are also added, with new designs and colors. In order to manufacture these new variants of building blocks, we will first have to create “Style cards”, which will define the material and design of the blocks. Through the use of “Style cards kits” we can start manufacturing new building blocks for our buildings.
All the slabs and stairs
Some slabs and stairs front view
More slabs and stairs, including custom ‘no streak glass’ side view. Note that the middle blocks are two half-slabs placed together. In most cases you get a double slab that is visually identical to the solid single block.
Example of structures you can now make with these slabs and stairs. The only one that is possible in vanilla Minecraft is the one made of stone bricks (2nd from right front).
Note that the sandstone blocks (stairs and slabs) come in two variants: smooth on all sides and polished on all sides. You can combine these with the standard blocks for the typical sandstone textures for more interesting structures.
Smooth on all sides
For polished slabs and stairs, the half-slabs are proper half-slabs and not just the full block “cut in half”.
Finally prismarine slabs and stairs retain the dynamic texture of the standard blocks. The snapshots below show the same structure as the blocks change texture/color over a short time period.
Crafting Styled Blocks
To craft styled blocks, stairs, and slabs you need to use a style card that describes the item to be crafted exactly. You obtain a set of style cards by creating a particular style card kit using the steps shown in the next section. Once you have a style card, you can use it as follows:
Crafting full blocks
Crafting polished stone.
To create a styled block you need two things: the right block style card (not a slab card or a stair card), and the right input material block. Most style card icons include a tiny “swatch” showing what materials they require and their display name is a terse description of the final block.
Switch the style card, craft different blocks even with the same input blocks. This allows the mod to support dozens of variations without having to create dozens of crazy recipes in the 3×3 grid.
switch the card
Crafting half slabs
To craft a set of styled half slabs follow the shaped recipe below. The slab style card is always placed in the top right corner and three of the basic block being slabified are placed either in the middle three slots or the bottom three slots. The recipe is a variation of the standard slab recipe.
If you don’t have another mod that supplies slabs using the standard recipe, you can simplify the styled block mod’s slab recipe by enabling the “simple_slab_recipes” configuration option. Once enabled you can create all of your slabs without the style card like so:
Crafting stairs
To craft a set of styled stairs follow the shaped recipe below. The stair style card is always placed in the top right corner and six of the basic block being stairified are placed in the standard stair recipe pattern as shown.
If you don’t have another mod that supplies stairs using the standard recipe, you can simplify the styled block mod’s stair recipe by enabling the “simple_stair_recipes” configuration option. Once enabled you can create all of your stairs without the style card like so:
Crafting Style Card Kits
To create a set of style cards follow these three steps. Note that usually you have to go through this process only once. After you’ve obtained a style card you can use it indefinitely to craft infinite batches of blocks, slabs, and stairs.
1) Craft a set of series (aka block-type) selectors
The mod items are partitioned into types: blocks, slabs, stairs, fences, etc. You create a series selector to indicate the type of style kit you want. Currently there are FOUR series (I-IV) for you to choose from. Use a piece of paper and 1-4 wooden buttons to craft a series item. Series I+II are for blocks, Series III is for slabs, and Series IV is for stairs. In future, additional series may be added for things like fences, buttons, etc.
Crafts a series I selector for blocks.
Crafts a series III selector for slabs.
2) Craft one of the mod’s style card kits
A style card kit will contain a set of style cards for a particular style of block material. For instance, there are unique style kits for granite blocks and for sandstone blocks; however, all stone slabs belong to a single style kit because there aren’t many kinds of stone slabs.
To create a kit, you need a series selector, a writable book, and a block that represents the base block material. The recipes are shaped recipes. Below is the basic recipe (using a stone block as the main block to get a style kit for stone blocks); open the spoiler for more examples.
Crafting a style kit for raw stone series I styled blocks.
by far, most of the mod’s styled blocks are regular full cube blocks. Because of the current variety and a need to accomodate future additions, some materials have multiple block style kits. For now, both the series I and series II selectors are reserved for full block styles only. To pick a particular kit, use the right selector and the type of underlying material the style is based on.
Currently there are block style kits for (raw) stone, andesite, granite, diorite, cobblestone, yellow sandstone, prismarine, birch wood planks, and oak wood planks.
For sandstone series I styled blocks.
For prismarine series I styled blocks.
For “new” cobblestone use series II styled blocks.
For slabs use a series III selector. Currently there are four slab style kits: one for glass slabs, one for the standard stone slabs, one for wooden plank slabs, and one for our new cobblestone.
For glass slabs use a glass block and a series III selector.
For stairs use a series IV selector. Currently there two stair style kits: one that contains all the standard stone stairs in the mod and the other all the wooden stairs.
For stone stairs use a series IV selector and a stone block.
3) Extract the style cards from the style kit
The styled block crafting recipes use the style cards not the kits, so you need to extract all the cards from the kit you’ve just made in order to do anything useful.
To extract all of the style cards in a particular kit, sneak+right click the kit item on an empty standard Minecraft chest or shulkerbox. Do not use another mod’s custom chest, just a plain vanilla chest, single or double.
Right-click on it, then open!
Your kit item will disappear, and the chest now contains all of the style cards that belonged to the particular kit. Some kits have just a 5 or 6 cards, others can almost fill a single chest.
Although the style cards textures look slightly different based on the input block’s material, a single material like sandstone can support dozens of styled blocks so all these cards will share the same icon. You’ll have to rely on tooltips to tell you what final block a style card represents.
Manual Install Instructions
Download Forge above.
Open the Forge installer, choose Install Client, and click OK.
Download Styled Blocks Mods and save it to your desktop.
Press this button combination: Windows+R
In the window that appears, type %appdata% and press Enter.
Open the .minecraft folder.
Locate the mods folder. If it doesn’t exist, create it (do not capitalize anything).
Drag Styled Blocks into the mods folder. If given the opportunity, do not extract them.
Start your Minecraft launcher, change your profile (bottom-left dropdown box) to Forge, and play!
Mac OS
Press this button combination: ?-Shift-G
Type in ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft and press Enter.
Locate the mods folder. If it doesn’t exist, create it (do not capitalize anything).
Drag Styled Blocks into the mods folder. If given the opportunity, do not extract them.
Start your Minecraft launcher, change your profile (bottom-left dropdown box) to Forge, and play!
Have fun!
Download Styled Blocks Mods 1.12.2
File Name | Status | Game Version | Date |
styledblocks-mc1.12-4.0.0.jar | Release | 1.12.2 | Feb 27, 2018 |
styledblocks-mc1.11.2-3.1.jar | Release | 1.11.2 | Apr 26, 2017 |
styledblocks-mc1.11-3.0.jar | Release | 1.11 | Feb 26, 2017 |
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