AgriCraft Mods 1.12.2

AgriCraft is a mod that offers us various objects, blocks and functionalities that will allow us to automate agricultural processes. Although the main axis of this mod is the mutation of our crops, that is, make our crops mutate to increase productivity and efficiency.

New File agricraft-2.12.0-1.12.0-a1.jar
Release Type Release
Manager InfinityRaider
Created Nov 16, 2014
Update Mar 4, 2018
Support 1.12.2

It is a mod that can work perfectly with the predefined crops in the game, although its functionalities make it ideal to work with mods that add new crops, whatever their type. Its strength lies in that it will allow us to evolve our crops, although it will be more interesting if we are going to plant more than potatoes and carrots.

Whether it is the first time you install this mod, or not, it is advisable to make the guide (in English) that adds the mod. Its name is The Journal, and it will show us recipes of objects, their functionalities, and how to progress with the various elements that this mod offers.

The Journal

This mod has support for NEI, meaning NEI can tell you all the mutations, but if you want to explore them yourself, you can disable this in the config. Then the journal will be your best friend, you will also need a seed analyzer, the journal and the seed analyzercan be crafted as follows:

Next, put your journal in the dedicated slot in the seed analyzer. Now every seed you analyze will be written down in your journal. You can read information, the tier, growth stages, fruits and if you have discovered all the seeds required for a mutation (parent seed 1 + parent seed 2 = mutation) the mutations as well.
If you wish to copy your journal, put it in a crafting grid with a blank book and quil. If you analyze a seed, you will also be able to tell what stats this seed has. The interface of the seed analyzer looks like this:

Irrigation Systems:

Irrigation systems consist of 3 components: the tanks for gathering/buffering the water, the channels for transporting the water and the sprinklers for actually irrigating the land.
These components are crafted like this:
The tanks and the channels can be crafted with any wood, however all the planks have to be the same material. The tank and the channel will look like the wood used to craft them.
Tanks are multiblocks and will connect to other tanks placed next to them, tanks and channels only connect to other tanks and channels if they are made of the same material.
Tanks are filled when it is raining, additionally you can also use other mods to pump water in them.
Next an irrigation channel has to built from your tank to the spot you wish to irrigate. If the waterlevel in the tank is higher then the level in the channel, water will flow from the tank to the channel and vice versa.

Manual Install Instructions

Download Forge above.
Open the Forge installer, choose Install Client, and click OK.
Download AgriCraft Mods and save it to your desktop.

Press this button combination: Windows+R
In the window that appears, type %appdata% and press Enter.
Open the .minecraft folder.
Locate the mods folder. If it doesn’t exist, create it (do not capitalize anything).
Drag Nether Overload into the mods folder. If given the opportunity, do not extract them.
Start your Minecraft launcher, change your profile (bottom-left dropdown box) to Forge, and play!

Mac OS
Press this button combination: ?-Shift-G
Type in ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft and press Enter.
Locate the mods folder. If it doesn’t exist, create it (do not capitalize anything).
Drag Nether Overload into the mods folder. If given the opportunity, do not extract them.
Start your Minecraft launcher, change your profile (bottom-left dropdown box) to Forge, and play!
Have fun!

Download AgriCraft Mods 1.12.2

File Name Status Game Version Date
agricraft-2.12.0-1.12.0-a1 Alpha 1.12.2 Mar 4, 2018
agricraft-2.0.0-0.11.0-a21 Alpha 1.10.2 Oct 29, 2017
AgriCraft-1.7.10-1.5.0.jar Release 1.7.10 Jul 29, 2016

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