Volcanic Island Survival is a high stakes survival map that’s been crafted for players who want to have their skills tested and pushed to the absolute extremes. Survival maps have always been infamous for being quite challenging but Volcanic Island Survival is a map that takes the difficulty to a whole new level. Not only does the map take place in an extremely tough environment, it also has a variety of creative challenges that players will have to overcome if they want to survive for a long period of time in the harsh conditions that the map brings to the table.
The Volcanic Island Survival map, as you can probably guess by the name, takes place on an isolated island and, as it turns out, this island is an incredibly dangerous place in which there’s never a dull moment. Your raft crashed onto this island and you don’t have anything other than a few items at your disposal that you’ll have to make the most out of to stay alive. You’ll have to keep your wits about you at all times, though, because the island is home to many dangerous entities who will do everything to make your survival attempt as short as possible.
One of the best things about Volcanic Island Survival is the fact that it seems to be flawless on a technical level as there haven’t been any major bugs reported thus far. As long as you’re playing the map on a version of Minecraft that it’s compatible with, it’s unlikely that there’ll be any issues that would hinder your experience. All said and done, Volcanic Island Survival is an exceptional Minecraft survival map that we highly recommend for players who are confident in their abilities and want a map that’s going to test their skills like no other.
How to install Volcanic Island Survival Map?
- Press the Windows or Start button, then press R. This will open the Run prompt.
- Type %appdata% into the prompt and run the command.
- A folder filled with other folders will now open. Just find the Minecraft folder among these and open it.
- In .minecraft you will find another folder, saves. Unzip and move your world file into this folder and you’re all done.