Ore Canes Mod

Ore Canes is a mod that certainly deserves a great deal of praise due to how incredibly creative it is. Ores are perhaps among the most highly sought after things in Minecraft because players need ores in order to craft pretty much everything. The process of acquiring ores, however, can definitely feel tedious and tiresome at times as players have to search vast underground areas to locate the right ore veins. Ore Canes does an excellent job of remedying this by giving players an alternative source through which they can acquire ores.

Features and Functionality

The Ore Canes mod basically implements specialized sugar cane crops that, instead of growing traditional sugar cane, actually grow the ores that you’d usually have to mine by going through a great deal of effort. Thanks to this mod, you’ll basically be able to farm your ores like you do traditional crops and this is going to allow you to acquire all the ores you need in an extremely convenient way. The mod has ore cans for pretty much every Minecraft ore you’d ever need ranging from coal to obsidian and, as long as you use it properly, it’s sure to fulfill quite a few of your ore needs.

Compatibility and Technical Aspects

The design of the Ore Canes mod is fairly spot-on as there aren’t any major technical issues that would hinder the experience so, as long as you use this mod with version 1.12 of Minecraft, it should run quite smoothly and likely won’t cause technical trouble.


All things considered, Ore Canes is an extremely well designed and creative mod that gives players a straightforward, convenient and effective solution through which they can acquire all the ores they’d need for their crafting requirements.

How to install Ore Canes Mod?

  1. Download and install the recommended Minecraft Forge for your Minecraft version.
  2. Download the latest mod version for your Minecraft version.
  3. Put the .jar file into the mods folder of your Minecraft installation.
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