After Botania and more recently Quark, Vazkii returns with a once again unique mod adding new gameplay mechanics and a myriad of creative possibilities, all delivered without unnecessary recipes and resources. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we will develop our own psychic powers.
As the saying goes: “You are never so well served as by yourself.”
New File | Psi-r1.1-58.jar |
Release Type | Release |
Manager | Vazkii |
Created | Feb 10, 2016 |
Update | Oct 25, 2017 |
Support | 1.12.2 |
Stimulate your synapses, it’s time to enter the wonderful world of algorithmics!
Psi is a mod inspired by the manga Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, which narrates the adventures of various protagonists in a universe in which magic exists and is a technological field in its own right. (which naturally makes me think of AcademyCraft).
After the third world war, some individuals with genes to manipulate Psions, “particles of thought”, integrate various schools of magic to develop their capabilities and participate in the maintenance of world peace, very unstable.
The mod thus takes again the technological concept of the original work and thus allows us to code and use rituals. And, no need to make such big eyes, it is indeed there to “code” spells and rituals, since they are fully customizable and based on simple algorithms but very open in terms of possibilities.
It is important to note that the mod is currently not available in French (even if I’m getting soft on it) and that the understanding of its mechanics is mainly specified through an in-game tutorial, which does not is other than your own school curriculum of magic.
So prepare for long hours of learning and experimentation before you can create these kinds of spells.
Objects and Blocks
The only ore you will need at the beginning is the Psidust, the main element for the transmission of Psions. However, this resource does not mine itself but is created by simply infusing redstone powder using a rudimentary CAD.
In the same way, as you progress, you will be able to create Psimetal and Psigems, infusing gold bars and diamonds respectively.
Here again, the mod is quite light since it adds “only” two blocks: the CAD Assembler and the Spell Programmer.
Let’s detail their uses.
The CAD Assembler (CAD Assembler) will simply allow you to create a CAD using multiple parts. To do this, simply move the previously manufactured parts in the appropriate locations, and recover your magico-psycho-electronic gun wand.
The Spell Programmer, on the other hand, is a great tool on which you will spend many hours creating your most wacky and / or destructive combinations of actions. To use it, nothing very complicated, as soon as your brain is prepared (see the basics of algorithmic below).
- Right click on a box to choose a room to add to the table
- Left-click on one of the parts to display its parameters and connections
The operation of all these parts and this table is explained below.
Now it’s up to you to train and experiment with your creations. I propose to see below an example explained.
This spell duly named “Explode” allows as you can imagine creating an explosion. The selected piece (in green) is the main effect of the spell, called Trick (generation of the explosion) and requires two parameters (see left): a position and a power.
So I selected a power of 3 (red arrow) and a predefined position which is none other than the entity targeted by the launcher. The target-shaped part is an operator defining an entity targeted by a second, and the latter is linked to the selector below (pistol-shaped icon) which is a selector assigned to the caster of the spell (in this case, me).
This gives us in the end an explosion effect of a power of 3 at the position of the entity targeted by the launcher. Nothing complicated!
Casting Assistant Device (CAD) is a gun-like device that will allow you to use your rituals, loaded in the form of “bullets”. Use the key associated with the mod with a CAD in hand to bring up a radial menu and choose the spell to equip.
Each CAD is composed of 5 elements: Assembly, Core, Socket, Battery and Colorizer (optional). These items define the maximum stats of spells that you can load into your launcher (see below).
The Bullets
Bullets are the ammunition of your CAD. There are several kinds, more or less defining the radius of action of the created spell (classic bullets, circle zones and others). To use them, nothing more simple, right click once the object in hand on a Spell Programmer to integrate the spell of your choice, once the latter finished of course. Then load the ball into a CAD via the interface on the left of a CAD Assembler.
The basics of algorithmic Psi
This mod works quite simply and allows everyone to have a technology as practical as the redstone, but much more complete.
Spell development is nothing more than an assembly of pieces that, once linked, form a logical sequence of actions and parameters. Everything takes place in the interface of the Spell Programmer, which I will detail.
Now let me introduce some of the basic terms and elements that will make up your spells.
A “trick” is neither more nor less than a function, an action to be performed. This is the main effect of your ritual, to which you will have to provide different parameters depending on what you are talking about.
Examples: set fire, add movement, …
Selector is one of the main parameters, which simply defines a target entity or victim of an action.
Examples: launcher, launcher target entity, …
Direction is a very important parameter expressed as a vector. It will allow you to manage aiming and moving effects of your explosions, placement of blocks, etc …
Examples: vector launcher position, vector corresponding to the target block face, …
Operators are valuable tools for manipulating parameters and values. Of all kinds, they will allow you to perform vector calculations, mathematical operations, entity list manipulation and all sorts of things.
Examples: addition, subtraction, dot product, …
This last room category will allow you to include one or more numeric constants in your spells. Used skillfully with operators, this will allow you to create rather unique parameters.
Examples: 0, 1, 2, … Yes it is true, these examples are simple.
These pieces have no effect on the spell but simply allow to link several pieces together if they are too far away on the board.
Spell statistics
Each spell created is associated with several statistics, very important to understand and master.
- Complexity: complexity is simply the number of actions of the spell. To put it simply, it’s about the number of arrows connecting the tricks and parameters between them.
- Potency: The overall power of your spell. Be careful to make this value less than the maximum of your CAD, otherwise the spell will not work.
- Cost: the cost of your spell in Psi energy. It obviously depends on other statistics.
- Projection: the number of Tricks of your spell. Depending on the quality of your CAD, you will be able to associate several Tricks with a single spell (for example, explosion, fire and teleportation in one!)
- Bandwith: Bandwidth is simply the maximum size of your spell in the development board. In my example above, the bandwidth is 3 because my pieces form a maximum of a line of 3. It can therefore be very useful to reduce the size of your spell as much as possible and to simplify it as much as possible so as not to be blocked by the capabilities of your CAD.
Note that the maximum statistics of your CAD will be displayed on the right during its assembly.
Start well
Finish this article with a beginner’s microguide, the mod may be difficult to grasp during the first moments.
It will not be possible for you to start making your first equipment until you have amassed a good stock of iron, gold and redstone. Once you have done this, build a CAD Assembler with which you will make a first rudimentary CAD (composed of a frame only). The latter will allow you to turn redstone powder thrown to the ground in Psidust, thanks to a small right click.
This precious element in your possession, you can now make all the elements of a CAD worthy of the name as well as some balls allowing you to equip your spells. Because yes, it’s finally time to develop your spells: make a Spell Programmer and embark on the adventure of algorithm-magic development!
Note however that you will need to complete each chapter of the tutorial available in game to unlock the parts in your Spell Programmer. The latter simply opens with the key associated with the mod (default “W”). Holding this key down while holding a CAD or Psi tool will also allow you to display a radial menu from which you can select the desired spell.
Feel free to share your creations in comments, I can not wait to see what the Machiavellian and creative spirits can do with this jewel of inventiveness. Good game, dear readers!
How to install:
Start by downloading Forge Installer, AutoRegLib, Psi-r1.1-58.jar . Once this is done, open it and click Install Client.
Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile. Enter your credentials again and click Play to complete the installation of Forge.
Then find your .minecraft folder:
Windows: Go to the Start menu, then go to Run. Otherwise, press Windows + R key. Then type% appdata% in the search bar, then go to the .minecraft folder.
Linux: Press ALT + F2 at the same time. You should normally have your .minecraft.
If you do not see it, activate hidden folders with the CTRL + H combination.
Mac: Your minecraft folder is in User> Library> Application Support.
If you can not find Application Support, do Finder> Menu Bar: Go + Hold ALT> Library.
Then drag the .jar from your previously downloaded mod into the mods folder, which is in your .minecraft.
Start the game, and have fun!
Download Psi Mods 1.12.2/1.12.1
File Name | Status | Game Version | Date |
Psi-r1.1-58.jar | Release | 1.12.2 | Oct 25, 2017 |
Psi-r1.1-52.jar | Release | 1.12.1 | Jul 15, 2017 |
Psi-r1.1-51.jar | Release | 1.12 | Jul 13, 2017 |
.Psi-r1.1-47.jar | Release | 1.11.2 | Mar 27, 2017 |
Psi-r1.0-42.jar | Release | 1.10.2 | Nov 20, 2016 |
Psi-r1.0-35.jar | Release | 1.9.4 | Jun 18, 2016 |
The post Psi Mods 1.12.2/1.12.1 appeared first on Minecraft Download Free.