Minecraft has many hostile and passive creatures that populate your cubic world. While some of them aim to make your gaming session more difficult, others, on the contrary, may be more friendly, among them, we find the creeper and the villager. Akrivus offers, through his mod Mob Mash, the addition of eight new creatures inspired by different legends or fictional characters.
New File | Mob Mash-2.1.jar |
Release Type | Release |
Manager | Akrivus |
Created | Jun 22, 2017 |
Update | Nov 4 2017 |
Support | 1.12.2 |
The Mothman
The Mothman is a dark creature and feared by other monsters. It appears on your world only at night and is attracted by light sources. When he is ready to fight, the Mothman approaches you at a very high speed and tries to attack your eyes to blind you (Blindness effect). Make sure to kick your feet or turn around when he is about to hit you, to avoid this side effect!
Did you know ? The Mothman is a mysterious winged creature that has been observed in several countries, including the United States, in 1966. This mythical creature, photographed a few times, seems to appear during the last moments before a gigantic disaster.
The Chupacabra
Chupacabra attacks the passive animals of your world, like the pig or the cow. His attack is a “stroke of blood”, it absorbs the blood of your animals and the hearts of them. To overcome, it is advisable to have with you an armor and use a shield to repel attacks!
Did you know ? Chupacabra, means “sucker of goats”. This being would have blue eyes, two holes for the nostrils, a mouth with fangs protruding up and down and without hair. It would have two rounded marks at the rear of the rump, on both sides of the tail. The animal would feed by sucking the blood of farm animals.
The Crocoduck
The Crocoduck attacks everything he can put in his mouth. He lays eggs near his victims. They can be used to hatch a Crocoduck baby. This creature can be tamed with raw meat and used to hunt animals, but beware, it may eliminate all the animals in your world!
Did you know ? The crocoduck is a hybrid animal imagined with the head of a crocodile and the body of a duck. Today it is a symbol for those who do not understand the fundamentals of evolution.
The same
The Meme spends its time screaming for no reason. In addition to this strange passion, he imitates the creatures that are close to him, so it is possible to see him eat grass like a sheep, jump like a rabbit, or tame with a bone such a wolf. The Meme was inspired by Filthy Frank’s character “Pink Guy”
The Slagmite is similar to a silverfish, except that it is not hiding in the blocks and flees the light wherever it can find it. These creatures have the ability to combine into a gigantic slagmite, including resistance and bonus hearts. Slagmite also has a variant in the Nether, which ignites its opponents!
The Sandworm
The Sandworm is barely visible because he silently waits for his prey to walk near him to attack. Findable only in deserts, his ability to dig under your feet makes him a sinister opponent. Not very resistant, it only has 4 hearts to try to beat you!
The pirate
This snarling creature tries relentlessly to steal your loot. Hackers are able to pick up items and place them in an internal inventory. When they are killed, the stolen resources are placed in a safe that flows automatically to the bottom of the ocean. Happy treasure hunt!
The Nomad
The nomad travels in a group of individuals whose number varies constantly. They have an exchange system like the villagers, except that they only accept gold. This happy tribe is the prey of sandworms and spiders, but has its own defense technique!
How to install:
Start by downloading Forge Installer, Mob Mash-2.1.jar . Once this is done, open it and click Install Client.
Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile. Enter your credentials again and click Play to complete the installation of Forge.
Then find your .minecraft folder:
Windows: Go to the Start menu, then go to Run. Otherwise, press Windows + R key. Then type% appdata% in the search bar, then go to the .minecraft folder.
Linux: Press ALT + F2 at the same time. You should normally have your .minecraft.
If you do not see it, activate hidden folders with the CTRL + H combination.
Mac: Your minecraft folder is in User> Library> Application Support.
If you can not find Application Support, do Finder> Menu Bar: Go + Hold ALT> Library.
Then drag the .jar from your previously downloaded mod into the mods folder, which is in your .minecraft.
Start the game, and have fun!
Download Mob Mash Mods 1.12.2/1.11.2
File Name | Status | Game Version | Date |
Mob Mash-2.1.jar | Release | 1.12.2 | Nov 4, 2017 |
Mob Mash-1.1.jar | Release | 1.11.2 | Jun 25, 2017 |
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