Mo’Creatures is a famous mod made by Dr.Zhark on November 17, 2010 and is certainly one of the most famous mods for those who knew the good times of Minecraft 1.7.10. Unfortunately, following the many Mojang updates with Minecraft, the mod did not really update anymore. But this is no longer the case, recently, it has undergone an update with a good cleaning of the code to be compatible on Minecraft 1.10.2 as well as the superior versions and you will be able to find in total 40 new mobs such as animals , monsters, new mounts, etc.
New File | DrZharks_MoCreatures_Mod-12.0.3.jar |
Release Type | Release |
Manager | DrZhark |
Created | Apr 5, 2015 |
Update | 4 days ago |
Support | 1.12.2 |
- The Mo’ Creatures mod adds over 58 new mobs to Minecraft, with both realistic, humanoid, and fantasized creatures, such as the majestic pegasus and fairy horse, and even venomous dragon-like drakes. Some mobs may throw blocks at you, or destroy them. Others may hunt you down on sight, and can even run at your own pace. All these mobs spawn naturally in the Overworld and the Nether, and a few can be found in the Wyvern Lair dimension.
- The spawn eggs are located in the Creative mode menu. Default press “E” and find the “MoCreatures” tab.
- Many mobs will either attack the player or fight amongst each other, whereas others can fly or even dig under blocks.
- The Mo’ Creatures mod adds several new blocks to Minecraft. Most of these blocks generate in the Wyvern Lair dimension. The Ogre Lair blocks are unused and are only found in the Creative menu.
- The Mo’ Creatures mod adds one dimension to Minecraft, that being the Wyvern Lair. This dimension, as the name suggests, is home to wyverns, bunnies and snakes. The other dimension, the Ogre Lair, is still in development. When released, it will become home to ogres and three ogre princes.
- The Mo’ Creatures mod adds a variety of items to Minecraft. Most of these items are either obtained as drops from mobs when they are killed, or are made by the player.
- Some items can be useful for crafting armor and various weapons. Other items include the teleport staff, which can be used to teleport you to any desired location, the wyvern portal staff can take you to another dimension, amulets can store your tamed pets, and the builder hammer can help you with building.
- The Mo’ Creatures mod adds different types of armor that can worn by the player to provide extra protection. Scorpion armor, for example, can give you special benefits when worn such as mild regeneration or being able to breath underwater.
- Despite horse armor being a vanilla Minecraft item, it is listed here since horses and wyverns can wear it.
Mod adds the following creatures:
Ents are peaceful creatures that will be immune to any kind of weapons but axes. They attract nearby small creatures and spawn small plants.
Moles are very shy and hide underground from bigger creatures.
Mini Golems
Mini golems are mobs that spawn at night and throw rocks at the player.
Silver Skeletons
Silver Skeletons are aggressive mobs that spawn at night and on dark places. They can sprint towards the player and outrun him/her. They drop bones or silver swords. The silver swords are quite effective against Werewolves
Raccoons attack back if provoked. They can be tamed by giving them any edible item.
Small and Medium Fish
A nice variety of small and medium size fish that can be trapped with a fishnet and fished with the fishing pole
Spawn on beaches next to water. They can be tamed with fishnets
Wyverns are poisonous drakes, they can be found on the WyvernLair.
Elephants and Mammoths
Elephants spawn on Deserts, Jungles, Plains and Forests.
Komodo Dragons
Komodo dragons spawn on swamps and plains. They attack small animals or players.
Golems spawn at night, and initially consists of only three blocks: the Head, the Core and a valuable ore cube. When the Golem is near a player, it activates and forms its body.
They’re slow and they hide in their shells, except when they don’t have a shell. In that case they’re just slow. Snails drop slime balls.
Including butterflies, flies, bees, fireflies, dragonflies and crickets. Just for ambiance’s sake
Turkeys… they drop raw turkey when killed that can be cooked. Pretty straightforward stuff.
Horses are the first controllable mount in Minecraft. You will need to tame them before you can ride them. Once tamed, they won’t despawn. There are 36! different kind of Horses available.
Ostriches spawn in plains and desert biomes. You can find male, females and chicks. The males will fight back if attacked.
There are eight different kinds of snakes including a couple of shy snakes that will run away from the player and venomous snakes like corals, cobras, rattle snakes. There are also aggressive pythons.
Mantarays are peaceful creatures, they won’t bother you at all.
Stingrays will try to hide at the bottom of the water, they can be found in waters of most biomes except the Ocean and snow biomes. If you get too close, you have the chance of being poisoned by the stingray. Just avoid stepping on them!
JellyFish will spawn on most waters. They are translucent and propel with pulsating movements. They are also luminescent at night. You can get poisoned if you get too close. JellyFish drop slimeballs. Just watch the water, you don’t want to get poisoned!
Goats are really easy to tame, just drop any edible(food) item nearby. Once tamed, you can name them. you can also change the name by right clicking on the goat while holding a medallion
Crocodiles will roam around near beaches in the swamp biomes, sometimes they will remain static.
These shy lil’ guys will hide from any other creature bigger than them.
Scorpions are nasty creatures that attack at night or if provoked. When scorpions attack, there is a chance of being poisoned.
Wild kitties will run from player. You can throw (‘Q’) cooked fish near them and once they eat it, they won’t run away from the player. You can then give them a medallion to tame them. Once the medallion is given you can name them.
They will run away from everything. You can pick up a mouse by its tail. Mice drop seeds.
They will attack the player at night or in dark areas, if you attack one rat, all the nearby rats will attack you. They are not too strong and their health is low. They drop coal.
Deer will run away from anything bigger than a chicken. They’re peaceful creatures. You can find female, males and fawn.
BigCats replace the lions that were part of the initial release of this mod.
Lil’ Fish (including piranhas)
They have 10 different colors/patterns. Piranhas are red and will attack anything that falls in the water. You can deactivate piranhas with the in game menu
There are six different kind of dolphins (from common to rare): blue, green, purple, dark, pink and albino. The last two kinds are seen only rarely in the wild.
Taming dolphins:
You can tame dolphins by feeding them raw fish. the rarer the dolphin, the more raw fish it requires to be tamed. A blue dolphin requires 2 raw fish and an albino dolphin requires 12 raw fish. You can also tame dolphins by riding/breaking them. Rarer dolphins are noticeable faster than common ones.
Breeding dolphins:
Tamed adult dolphins can breed by feeding them cooked fish and keeping them apart from other creatures in a similar fashion than the horse breeding. Young dolphin can not breed or be tamed/ridden.
The sharks will attack anything that falls in the water, except squids or other sharks. Sharks have different sizes, if you kill a big shark in easy difficulty or higher, you have a 10% chance of getting a shark egg.
The first metamorphic and multi-stance mob for Minecraft! Don’t be fooled by his appearance and sweet talk, they are ominous! He drops wood sticks or wood tools. At night it will transform into a vicious werewolf!
There are four kind of bears in MoCreatures:
Black bears and Grizzly bears will attack back if provoked. Polar Bears, that spawn in cold biomes will hunt down the player on sight. Panda bears are peaceful creatures that are attracted to sugar cane.
Spawns during the night time, only outdoors. It will attack you at night, and won’t attack unless provoked during the day. Hunts small prey, and of course sheep!
New flying mob. Spawns only on Normal difficulty or higher. Drops gunpowder
Flame Wraith
spawns only in Hard difficulty. Will set you on fire for a short time. Drops redstone. You can see them from a distance because of flashing flames.
The first mob to destroy blocks! It destroys blocks sparing ore blocks and obsidian. It drops obsidian ore
Fire Ogre
Rarer than the regular ogre, only spawns on hard difficulty. This mob destroys blocks and ignites the floor on impact. It is fire resistant. It drops ‘fire’ so you can craft your chainmail.
Cave Ogre
This one only spawns underground. It has the biggest area of damage. It drops diamonds.
Nothing original, I used material already available, credits go to dorino1 quack sounds plus painterly pack’s duck texture.
They attack smaller prey and if you get close to them, they can also attack you. Be warned
Courtesy of KodaichiZero
They have four different fur colors. You can tame on by picking it up. If you keep two tamed bunnies in an enclosed space, they will breed.
If you drop a bunny while being chased by mobs, the mobs will target the bunny.
Something cool happens if you ride a horse with a bunny hat!
Birds add atmosphere to the game. There are six different kinds, and they have different sounds: Dove, Crow, BlueGrossBeak, Cardinal, Canary and Parrot. You can tame them by feeding them seeds. Once tamed, they won’t be afraid of you and won’t despawn.
If you pick up a bird, you can glide safely from heights
They will attack only smaller creatures. Most of the work was done by Roundaround. I worked on the 3D model
- There are several kinds of Manticore. Those of the nether, the snow biome and the normal biome.
- He has 40 life points.
- He attacks the player within 16 blocks.
- It can be tamed, for that you must kill manticores until obtaining an egg. Once the egg is obtained, put it on the ground to hatch it.
How to install:
Start by downloading Forge Installer, CustomMobSpawner , DrZharks_MoCreatures_Mod-12.0.3.jar . Once this is done, open it and click Install Client.
Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile. Enter your credentials again and click Play to complete the installation of Forge.
Then find your .minecraft folder:
Windows: Go to the Start menu, then go to Run. Otherwise, press Windows + R key. Then type% appdata% in the search bar, then go to the .minecraft folder.
Linux: Press ALT + F2 at the same time. You should normally have your .minecraft.
If you do not see it, activate hidden folders with the CTRL + H combination.
Mac: Your minecraft folder is in User> Library> Application Support.
If you can not find Application Support, do Finder> Menu Bar: Go + Hold ALT> Library.
Then drag the .jar from your previously downloaded mod into the mods folder, which is in your .minecraft.
Start the game, and have fun!
Download Mo’ Creatures Mods 1.12.2/1.12.1
File Name | Status | Game Version | Date |
DrZharks_MoCreatures_Mod-12.0.3.jar | Release | 1.12.2/1.12.1 | 4 day ago |
DrZharks+Mo_Creatures+Mod-10.0.6.jar | Release | 1.10.2 | Dec 9, 2016 |
DRZHARKS MOCREATURES MOD V6.3.1.ZIP | Release | 1.7.10 | Jul 29, 2016 |
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